Video: Basic Guide to DSpace Communities, Collections, and Items
DSpace is a digital repository software that allows organizations to store, preserve, and share digital content. DSpace is open source, meaning that it is free to use and modify. DSpace content is organized into a hierarchy of communities, collections, and items.
A community is a high-level grouping of related collections. Communities can be used to represent departments, research groups, or other organizational units. A community is an organizational unit, which can have its own access control.
Communities, collections, and items are a powerful way to organize, discover, access, and preserve digital content
The basic hierarchical structure of every DSpace site is to have communities, which contain collections, which contain items. Communities cannot store items directly. In order to store an item, a community must contain at least one collection, which can then hold the item.
A collection is a grouping of related items. Collections can be used to represent different types of content, such as journal articles, books, or datasets. A collection is like a digital folder or container. Each collection can have distinct workflows and access control policies.
An item is the lowest level in the DSpace hierarchy. An item is a single digital object, such as a PDF file, image, or video. Items are the actual digital content stored in DSpace - documents, images, videos, etc
DSpace communities, collections, and items are a powerful way to organize, discover, access, and preserve digital content. If you are looking for a digital repository solution, DSpace is a great option.
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