Unlocking Digital Horizons: Your Essential Guide to DSpace 7
DSpace 7 is a major release of the popular open-source digital repository software, with a number of new features and improvements. It is a modern, scalable, and flexible platform for managing and preserving digital content, and can be used by a wide range of organizations, including universities, libraries, museums, and archives.
Key Features of DSpace 7 include:
DSpace 7 takes this legacy to new heights by introducing a range of enhancements designed to cater to the evolving needs of digital content management.
New user interface:
DSpace 7 has a new, responsive user interface that is built on Angular. This makes it easier for users to browse, search, and submit content, and it can be used on any device
Import metadata from External Sources
Import metadata directly from many external sources (arXiv, CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, etc.)
Import metadata directly from many external sources (arXiv, CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, etc.)
Improved search
DSpace 7 uses Apache Solr 8 for search, which provides a number of new features and improvements, including support for faceted search, fuzzy search, and spell checking.
Configurable entities:
DSpace 7 introduces a new concept of configurable entities. This allows repositories to create custom data models that meet their specific needs.
DSpace 7 can be extended with custom plugins and modules, which allows repositories to add new features and functionality
With DSpace 7, the world of digital repositories has entered a new era. Its blend of modern design, enhanced features, and user-centric approach has the potential to reshape how institutions manage and share their digital assets.
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